Understanding Supplemental Data Entry

After you set up the supplemental database and data types for your system, you can enter supplemental data.

When you set up your system, you set up the types of supplemental data that you want to track. For each data type, you specify the format in which you want to track information. Three formats are available:




When you enter supplemental information for data types that you have specified as narrative format, you enter text. You typically use this format for general information such as notes, comments, plans, or other information that you want to track about a job site, customer, supplier, employee, and so on. For example, if your company works with suppliers, you might use the narrative format to write notes about the quality of the supplier products.


When you enter supplemental information for data types that you have specified as code format, you type the appropriate supplemental information in specific fields on the General Description Entry form. You typically use this format to track categories, amounts, and dates. For example, if your company works with suppliers, you might use the code format to track product type, cost, effective sales date, and so on.


When you enter supplemental information for data types that you have specified as program format, you can organize programs in a manner that is convenient for you. For example, you can set up a program format that enables you to access the Supplier Master Information program (P04012) when you enter supplemental data for suppliers.

Supplemental data is stored in the Supplemental Data table (F00092).

Note: Use the Supplemental Data Setup program (P00091) to add or change information that is associated with the fields in the UDC Headings/Validation and Remark Headings/Validation areas of the Data Type Revisions form. If you use the Supplemental Data program (P00092) to change information instead, the next time that you view the record, the system issues an error because it is using another UDC table to validate the data.