Work Day Calendars and Rules

Before you set up due date rules, set up work day calendars using the Work Day Calendar program (P00071). Calendars enable you to specify actual work days, weekends, holidays, and other user-defined types of days for your organization. You can set up multiple calendars and reference one of them in a due date rule.

After you set up a work day calendar, you specify how the system calculates the due date on a nonworking day. You specify the work day rule for a due date rule using the Due Date Rule Revisions program (P00146). By using a work day rule, you can adjust the payment's due date to correspond to your work days, as well as prevent unintended grace periods that might occur if the due date falls on a Saturday and your business is closed.

For example, you can instruct the system to:

  • Use work days only when counting the days to calculate the due date and not allow the due date to occur on a nonwork day.

  • Use the work day after the calculated due date as the due date. For example, if the calculated due date occurs on the weekend, the system moves it to the following Monday.

  • Use the work day before the calculated due date as the due date. For example, if the calculated due date falls on the weekend, the system moves it to the previous Friday.

Work day calendars are stored in the Workday Calendar table (F0007).