AAI Item FS99

AAI item FS99 provides the net income wording on your financial statements and specifies whether to print a single or double line before or after the report totals. For AAI item FS99, the text that you enter on the first line under Account Use Description on the Set Up Single AAI Item form is the description that prints on the last line of your financial statement. Unlike most other AAIs, AAI item FS99 does not require account information.

Note: Financial statements provide a processing option that allows you to specify whether the system calculates net income. If you calculate net income and you also set up AAI item FS99, the system prints two net income lines on the financial statement. To prevent two net income lines from printing on the financial statement, either set up AAI item FS99 or do not specify to calculate net income in the processing option.

To print single or double lines before or after the report totals, enter one of these values on the fourth or fifth line under the Account Use Description heading on the Set Up Single AAI Item form:

  • *BEFORE(-)

    Prints a single line before the totals.

  • *BEFORE(=)

    Prints a double line before the totals.

  • *AFTER(-)

    Prints a single line after the totals.

  • *AFTER(=)

    Prints a double line after the totals.