Assigning Groups to Automatic Bank Statement Accounts

Access the Revise Auto Bank Statement Account Setup form.

G/L Account Number (general ledger account number)

Enter the general ledger account number for the bank.

Reconciliation Group

Enter the code that identifies the reconciliation group that the system uses when it processes automatic bank statements for this bank account.

Reconciliation Rule

Enter the code that identifies the reconciliation rule for the system to use when it processes automatic bank statements for this bank account. The rule that you enter in this field must be part of the group that you entered in the previous field. The Reconciliation Group and Reconciliation Rule fields work with each another.

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the reconciliation rule assigned to the group that you entered in the previous field.

Track Taxes

Select this check box for the system to track taxes for this bank account. To update the Tax Explanation Code, Tax Rate Area, and Tax Item Number fields in the F0911 table, you must select this check box as well as enter values in the two remaining tax fields.

Tax Rate/Area

If you select the Track Taxes check box, this field is required.

Enter the code for the tax rate area for this bank account. This code must exist in the F4008 table. The general ledger date of all transactions for this bank account must be greater than or equal to the effective date and less than or equal to the expiration date of the tax rate/area that you enter in this field.

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the tax rate area specified for the GL account number in the F0901 table. If there is none, the system issues an error message.

Tax Explanation Code

If you select the Track Taxes check box, this field is required.

Enter a value from UDC table 00/EX that begins with the letter V (value added tax). The system uses this code with the tax rate area and tax rules to determine how to calculate a tax. This field is always required if the Tax Rate/Area field contains a value