Creating a Budget Pattern Code

Access the Revise Budget Pattern form.

Budget Pattern

Enter a unique three-character code that identifies a seasonal budget pattern. The system uses this code to calculate budget amounts for an accounting period. For example, you could enter SUM or WIN to identify a seasonal pattern code or blank to evenly spread an amount among all periods.

Period 01–Period 14

For a seasonal pattern code or the DNS budget pattern code, enter a number that identifies the percentage of the total annual budget assigned to the period. You can enter:

Whole numbers. For example, 20 for 20 percent.

Decimal numbers up to four decimals. For example, 0.3333 for 33.33 percent. The system rounds more than four decimals to four decimals.

Zero (no percentage for the period).

For the DNS budget pattern code and each seasonal pattern code, the total of all percentages must equal 100 percent.

Note: The default periods for the fiscal year are set up for company 00000 on the Date Pattern Revisions form.