Defining a Cash Forecast Report Structure

Access the Revise Cash Forecast Reporting Structure form.

To define a cash forecast report structure:

  1. On Revise Reporting Structure Name, enter a name that uniquely identifies the hierarchical reporting structure. The reporting structure specifies how the system displays data for cash forecasting and must exist in the F09523 table.

  2. Expand the tree structure.

    If you set the processing option to include standard report selections, the system displays the cash type codes for headings (UDC table 09/CT) in hierarchical order.

  3. To add a detail cash type code to the existing report structure, select the node where you want the code to exist and click Add Node.

    For example, to add the cash type code for Open Invoices by Check to the heading code for Incoming Cash, select Incoming Cash.

  4. On Select Cash Type UDC, select one of these options and click Find:

    • Detail

    • Heading

  5. In the detail area, scroll down, if necessary, and select the row that corresponds to the code that you want to add.

  6. Click OK to update the database.

  7. To move (cut and paste) a node, select the node and click Cut (scissors button).

  8. Select the node where you want to place the node from the previous step and click Paste.

  9. Expand the tree structure to view the node that you moved and its children.

  10. Click Save to update the database.

  11. On Revise Cash Forecast Reporting Structure, continue to add, delete, or move nodes until your structure is complete.

    If you add or move a cash type code to a place within the parent/child tree structure that is not allowed, the system issues an error message.

  12. To review or revise cash type rules without exiting the form, continue to step 13; otherwise, click Cancel.


    After you click Cancel to exit the Revise Cash Forecast Reporting Structure form, a window appears with the message Do you wish to automatically be connected to cash type rules to validate the changes made within this reporting structure?

    Click Yes to validate the cash type rules that you specified in the reporting structure and to ensure that no overlapping account ranges or values exist. You cannot verify that account ranges and values are valid when you add cash type rules. Instead, you must validate the rules when you create or revise a reporting structure. If the ranges and values are not correct, the cash forecast data that displays in the analysis could produce incorrect results.

  13. To review or revise a cash type rule, complete these steps:

    • To revise a cash type rule without exiting the program, complete steps 14–15.

    • To review multiple cash type rules within a reporting structure, complete steps 16–17.

    • To revise multiple cash type rules within a reporting structure, complete steps 16–19.

  14. On Revise Cash Forecast Reporting Structure, select a detail cash type and then choose Cash Type Rule from the Row menu.

  15. On Revise Cash Type Rule, change the fields as necessary and click OK.

  16. On Revise Cash Forecast Reporting Structure, select Rules for Rpt Struc from the Form menu.

  17. On Revise Reporting Structure Cash Type Rules, select the Data Source option for one of these groups of cash types and click Find:

    • All

    • A/R

    • A/P

    • G/L

      Use the Revise Reporting Structure Cash Type Rules form to review multiple cash type rules for a group within a reporting structure and to verify that the rules do not have overlapping general ledger accounts, that the bank account numbers are accurate, and so on.

  18. To revise multiple cash type codes for a group within a specific reporting structure, enter a new value in the query-by-example (QBE) row and click OK.

  19. On the Message form, click OK to accept the revision.

    Important: If you change criteria for a cash type rule in this reporting structure, the criteria is changed for all reporting structures that use this cash type rule.