Duplicating Account Number Segments

When you enter journal entries, you can duplicate account numbers from one detail line to another to save time and reduce entry errors.

This table shows how duplication works for a single journal entry. It shows a series of account numbers that you might enter, followed by the corresponding account numbers that the system will use.

Account Number Entered

System Result











The system replaces each separator character with the missing part of the account number by copying the same part from the preceding account number.

To duplicate account number segments, enter a separator character in the account number field for each segment (business unit, object account, and subsidiary account) that you want to duplicate for each subsequent line in your journal entry.

For example, if you entered 9.8720 for the account number in the first line of a journal entry and you want to duplicate the business unit for the second line, enter 0.8730 and the system completes the account number field with 9.8730.