Example: Batch Is Partially Posted

A post program ends abnormally and the batch is only partially posted.

Possible solution:

  1. Post the specific batch out of balance.

  2. Run the General Journal by Batch report (R09301) to locate the automatic entries that were created for the batch during the post program.

  3. Change the Intercompany Settlements field to * on the General Accounting Constants form to allow manual intercompany settlements.

    Remember to set the Intercompany Settlements field back to its original setting after you complete these steps.

  4. Manually create any missing balancing entries for the batch using the Journal Entry program (P0911).

  5. Post the batch of manually created entries out of balance.

  6. Run the Repost Account Ledger program to print the report only.

  7. Review the report, and compare the amounts in the Old Balance and Detail Amount columns to verify that the amount in the F0911 table is correct.

  8. If necessary, Run the Repost Account Ledger program in update mode to print the report and update the F0902 table with the amount from the F0911 table.