
Select this tab.

G/L Date

Enter the date in which you want destination and offset transactions to be created.

Stop Date

Enter the date in which the allocation becomes inactive. If you leave this field blank, the allocation is active.

If you enter a date in this field and the G/L Date field is less than the date that you enter, the allocation is active.

If you enter a date in this field and the G/L Date field is greater than or equal to the date that you enter, the allocation is inactive.

Recur Frequency (recurring frequency)

Enter a value from UDC table 09/RQ to identify the frequency of the allocation. Values are:

AN: Annual

MO: Monthly

QT: Quarterly

SA: Semi-annually

WK: Weekly

Posting Group

Enter a number in this field to control the group in which the system computes multitiered allocations; otherwise, leave this field blank.

Enter a number if you have several related allocations and the result of one allocation is to be included in subsequent allocations in the same group.

Posting Sequence

Enter a number in this field to control the sequence in which the system computes multitiered allocations; otherwise, leave this field blank.

1: Tier 1–Regional offices. This tier could identify the rates or percentages in which to allocate the bill among regions A, B, and C.

2: Tier 2–Departments in Region A. This tier could identify rates or percentages in which to allocate the bill for region A among departments X, Y, and Z.


Select this check box to automatically create reversing entries for the transactions. When you run the Compute Advanced Variable Numerator Allocations program, you can override this flag if you do not want to reverse the transactions.

When you post the transaction, the system creates reversing entries for the first or last day of the next month, as specified in the General Accounting Constants.


Select an option to identify whether the allocation is approved or on hold. You can change the status of multiple allocations at the same time on the Work With Advanced Variable Numerator form by selecting Change Status from the Row menu.