JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting Reports: A to Z

This table includes a summary of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting reports:

Report ID and Report Name




Data by Business Unit

Prints the supplemental data that is set up for the business units.

Business Unit Supplemental Data (G09312), Data by Business Unit


Account Master Report Cat. Code 01–23

Prints the accounts in your chart of accounts that are associated with category codes 01–23.

Financial Reports (G75C09), Account Master Report Cat. Code 01–23


Account Master Report Cat. Code 24–33

Prints the accounts in your chart of accounts that are associated with category codes 24–33.

Financial Reports (G75C09), Account Master Report Cat. Code 24–33


Account Master Report Cat. Code 34–43

Prints the accounts in your chart of accounts that are associated with category codes 34–43.

Financial Reports (G75C09), Account Master Report Cat. Code 34-43


Unposted General Journal

Unposted Cash Basis Report

Prints unposted transactions.

Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), Unposted General Journal

Cash Basis Accounting (G09314), Unposted Cash Basis Report (R09301)


General Journal by Batch

Prints posted and unposted journal entries in batch number sequence.

Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), General Journal by Batch


General Journal by Account

Prints posted and unposted transactions by account. The report provides totals by account number.

Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), General Journal by Account


Transaction Journal

Prints transactions within a general ledger date range. This report prints the debit and credit amounts that comprise balanced entries for invoices and vouchers.

Accounting Reports (G0912), Transaction Journal


Trial Balance Report

Prints account balances by business unit. Use this report to analyze account balances by business unit and to obtain business unit totals. This report includes a processing option for level-of-detail summarization.

Accounting Reports (G0912), Trial Balance Report


Trial Balance by Object Report

Prints account balances across all business units. Use this report to review similar object accounts, such as all cash accounts, and to obtain account totals for each group of accounts.

Accounting Reports (G0912), Trial Balance By Object Report.


G/L by Business Unit

Prints transactions by object account within a specific business unit.

Accounting Reports (G0912), G/L by Business Unit


G/L by Object Account

Prints transactions across all or several business units.

This report lists transactions by account. Use this report to review specific accounts across all or several business units, and to obtain account totals for each group.

Accounting Reports (G0912), G/L by Object Account


G/L with Subledger Totals

Prints transaction totals by subledger. This report includes the same information that you can view online with the T/B by Subledger program.

Accounting Reports (G0912), G/L with Subledger Totals


Transaction by Object

Prints the account balances and posted transactions for each object account of a specified company over the period selected.

Accounting Reports (G0912), Transactions by Object


Transactions by Subsidiary

Prints the account balances and posted transactions for every object account and subsidiary over the period that you select.

Accounting Reports (G0912), Transactions by Subsidiary


Account Totals by Supplier/Customer

Prints the balance for each customer and supplier by object account.

Accounting Reports (G0912), Account Totals by Supplier/Customer


G/L by Category Code

Prints account balances for accounts assigned to category codes 21–43.

Accounting Reports (G0912), G/L by Category Code


Debit/Credit T/B by Category Code

Prints a trial balance that includes the account balances for accounts assigned to category codes 21–43. Use this report to obtain debit and credit totals, and to supplement your chart of accounts reporting for multinational companies and for statutory accounting.

Accounting Reports (G0912), Debit/Credit T/B by Category Code


Debit/Credit T/B by Object

Prints the total debit and credit amounts for each account in any given ledger.

Current balances for income statement accounts do not include the prior-year balance. To calculate an inception-to-date total for income statement accounts, add the year-end balances for all prior years to the current balance.

Accounting Reports (G0912), Debit/Credit T/B by Object


Cash Basis Integrity Test

Prints the cash basis entries for a specified time period. This program produces an exception report that shows the accounts that are out of balance. Only cash accounts can be expected to balance between the two ledgers (AA and AZ).

Cash Basis Accounting (G09314), Cash Basis Integrity Test


Cash Basis Audit Report

Prints information about the cash basis entries at the transaction level. This report is a powerful research tool that allows you to quickly determine which documents are balanced, as well as which documents are posted. Cash basis entries that do not balance are identified by the message Document Not Balanced.

Cash Basis Accounting (G09314), Cash Basis Audit Report