
1. Bank File Format

Use this processing option to specify the format you are using to process bank statements. Values are stored in UDC 09/FF and include:

BAI2: BAI2 Bank Format

SWIFT: Swift Bank Format

2. Text File Name

Use this processing option to specify the name of the electronic bank statement text file submitted for processing from the bank.

3. Text File Location

Use this processing option to specify the location of the bank statement text file. The system uses this value to locate the file so that it can process bank statement information.

4. Interm Text File Location

Use this processing option to specify the location where the text file is moved if the file is not deleted due to processing errors.

5. Delete Text File?

Use this processing option to specify whether the system deletes the bank-submitted text file after it has been processed and data has been written to the automatic bank statement staging tables. Values are:

1: Yes, delete file.

0: No, do not delete file.

6. Date Format Mask

Use this processing option to specify the date format that the system uses for dates in the electronic bank statement files. For example, use ROA for dates with a YYMMDD format. Values, used in combination, include:

D: Day number, 1 or 2 digits

A: Day number, zero pad to 2 digits

Y: Day number, space pad to 2 digits

M: Month number, 1 or 2 digits

O: Month number, zero pad to 2 digits

N: Month number, space pad to 2 digits

T: Month number, by language, from UDC

B: Abbreviated month name, by language, from UDC

R: 2 digit year

E: 4 digit year

S: Date separator character (slash), from configuration

C: Date separator character (comma), from configure