Record 49

Record 49 is the account trailer record. It provides account level control totals and includes the sum of all amount fields in record type 03 as well as the total number of records associated with an account from records 16 and 88. A record 49 exists for each record 03. Although the fields in record 49 do not map to EnterpriseOne fields, the system uses the information in the record to identify the end of the transactions and balances for an account.

Required or Optional

Field Description

Field Position

EnterpriseOne Table and Field

Field Type and Length



Record Code


Not applicable

Numeric 2

The value in this field is always 49.


Account Control Total


Not applicable

Numeric 15, 2

This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table.


Number of Records


Not applicable

Numeric 5

This field does not map to an EnterpriseOne table.