Reviewing Transactions to Batch Header

Access the Transactions to Batch Headers form.

Transactions to Batch Headers form

Use the fields in the header to search for transactions by batch date, batch type, or batch number, posted status, or prior days.

Error Description

The system uses this field to display a header in bold text that categorizes the errors. These headers represent errors for each transaction table and the batch header. Examples of these headers are:

  • F03B11 to F0011

  • F0411 to F0011

  • F0911 to F0011

Under these headers, the system displays text that explains what the error is between the transaction table and the batch header table. Examples are:

  • No Batch Header (F0011) Record

  • Batch Header (F0011) Unposted/ Detail (F0911) Posted

  • Batch Header (F0011) Posted/ Detail (F0911) Unposted

Transaction Record Count

The system displays the number of transaction records (F03B11, F03B13, F03B14, F0411, F0413, F0911) for a specific batch and document number that have a posted status that is different than the posted status in the batch header (F0011).

However, this field displays a different value in the grid lines in which the error says "No Batch Header (F0011) Record." This error indicates that there are transactions records that have no batch header record (for example, a record in the F0911 that has no record in the F0011). In this case, this field displays the number of lines in the F0911 table for the document number that have no batch header.