Reviewing Trial Balances and Ledger Comparisons

Access the Trial Balance / Ledger Comparison form.

Trial Balance / Ledger Comparison form
Skip to Account

Enter an account number to review account balances for a specific account or enter a business unit number to review account balances for all accounts in a business unit.

Select / Skip To

Based on the value that you entered in the Skip to Account field:

To review account balances for a specific account, select this check box.

To review account balances for all accounts in the business unit, do not select this check box.

Ledger Type 1, Ledger Type 2, Type/Subledger, and Level of Detail

Change the default information in these fields, if necessary.

To display all subledger information posted to accounts, enter * in the Subledger field. If you leave this field blank, the system displays only posted amounts without subledgers.

Period / Date

To review account balances through the ending date of a specific period, select this check box.

To review account balances through a specific date within a period, clear this check box.

LT 1 Thru Date and LT2 Thru Date

Change the values in these fields, if necessary. If you leave the LT 1 Thru Date and LT 2 Thru Date fields blank, the system uses the current date for the company in which the business unit belongs.

To review account balances through a specific date within a period, enter the date in the LT 1 Thru Date and LT 2 Thru Date fields and clear the Period / Date check box.

You must set the Date Effective Balances processing option for this program to Y to review account balances through a specific date.