Revising Accounts and Basis Amounts

Access the Forecast Basis Revisions form.

To revise accounts and basis amounts:

  1. On the Forecast Basis Revisions form, select one of these options:

    • Display Periods

    • Annual Total Only

  2. To change the period basis amounts for an account, select the Display Periods option and complete the Basis Amount Period fields for the applicable periods.

    The system updates the amount in the Basis Amount Year Total field accordingly.

  3. To spread an amount over an account using a specific budget pattern and amount, complete these fields in the detail area:

    • Budg Patt

      If you leave this field blank, the system spreads annual budget amounts evenly across all months.

    • Override Amount

      Enter a value in this field only if you entered a non-blank value in the Budg Patt field.

  4. To override the growth pattern for an account, complete the Override Growth Pattern Code field in the detail area.

    Enter a value in this field for an account only if you do not want the system to use the default growth pattern.

    The system applies the growth pattern when you run the Generate Forecast Results program.

  5. To lock an account record, select the record and then select Lock from the Row menu.

    The number 1 appears in the Lock Account field to identify the account as locked. To toggle between locking and unlocking an account, select Lock again from the Row menu.

  6. To lock all account records, select Lock All from the Form menu.

    To toggle between locking and unlocking all accounts, select Lock All again from the Form menu.

  7. Click OK to accept all revisions.

    Note: The Generate Forecast Results program generates budget forecast amounts only for locked records in the F1403 table.