Setting Data Selection and Sequence for Budget Worksheet

You must specify the range of object accounts in the data selection. If you post to the F0902 table by currency, select a specific currency code or all currency codes.

This report prints totals and starts new pages based on the data item immediately preceding the object account in the data sequence. You can use these data items in the data sequence:

  • Company

    For the reporting date to be company-specific, you must sequence your report by company.

  • Business unit category codes 1–30

  • Account master category codes 1–23

  • Business unit

  • Object account (required)

  • Subsidiary account (required)

If you do not specify a company or business unit as the first item in the sequence, the system uses the current fiscal period for company 00000.

This table lists the data sequences that you must enter to print different types of reports:

Type of Report

Data Sequence

Business unit

Business unit, object account, subsidiary account.

Business unit consolidation

Company, object account, subsidiary account.

Company consolidation

Object account, subsidiary account.

Important: If you change the data sequence, a sequence other than one of the previous sequences can produce undesirable results.