Setting Up Business Unit Overrides

Access the Edit Business Unit Overrides form.

Override Name

Enter up to five characters to identify the override business unit.

Basis Ratio

Enter the allocation ratio type from UDC table 09/RT. The hard-coded values are:

01–50: Category codes 01–50

51: Business unit

52: Related business unit

53: Business unit type

54: Contract type (used for burdening-based allocations)

55: Employee pool grouping code (used for burdening-based allocations)

56: Job pool grouping code (used for burdening-based allocations)

Basis Value

Enter the value associated with the basis ratio that you want to override. Depending on the basis ratio, values are:

Category code from UDC table 00/01–00/50.

Business unit from the Business Unit Master table (F0006).

Related business unit from the F0006 table.

Business unit type from UDC table 00/MC.

Contract type code from UDC table 51/CT.

Business unit reporting code from UDC table 00/12.

For example, if the basis ratio is 04, you would enter a value from UDC table 00/04.

Override Business Unit

Enter the business unit that overrides, or replaces, the basis value.