Setting Up Data Selection and Data Sequence for the Simple Income Statement and Simple Balance Sheet

You must select the object accounts to include on the report. You must also specify a ledger type. If you do not, the system combines all ledger types, which could produce inaccurate results.

Financial reports are designed to print in this sequence:

  • Company

  • Object account

  • Subsidiary

If you do not use company as your first sequence, the system uses the information for company 00000 to determine the financial reporting date.

You must always use a sequence by object account and subsidiary to protect the integrity of your data and to ensure that the level-of-detail subtotals are accurate. To print a report across many business units or companies, use a sequence by object account and subsidiary only.

The data sequence item that immediately precedes the object account determines page breaks and totals for all financial reports. For example, if the data sequence is by company, object account, and subsidiary, page breaks and totals occur when the company number changes. If the object account is the first data sequence item, the report has no page breaks and totals appear at the end of the report.

You can change the subtotals by changing the sequence and level breaks. For example, you could create subtotals by specifying category codes for level breaks.

This table shows the data sequence that is required for specific types of reports:

Report Type

Data Sequence Setup

Business unit report

The data sequence should be:

  • Business Unit

  • Object Account

  • Subsidiary

Business unit consolidation report

The data sequence should be:

  • Company

  • Object Account

  • Subsidiary

Company consolidation report

The data sequence should be:

  • Object

  • Subsidiary