Setting Up General Accounting Constants

Access the General Accounting Constants form.

Batch Control Required

Specify whether batch control is required.

If you select this check box, the system displays an additional form when you enter a batch. You enter the total number of documents and the total amount that you expect the batch to contain. When you finish entering each batch and close the program, the system displays the difference, if any, between the totals that you expected to enter and the totals that you actually entered.

Manager Approval of Input

Specify whether the manager is required to approve General Accounting batches before they can be posted.

If you select this check box, the manager must approve batches. The system assigns a Pending status to the batch, and a manager must approve it before it can be posted.

If you clear this check box, the system assigns an Approved status to the batch, and it does not require manager approval.

Allow PBCO Postings (allow post before cutoff postings)

Specify whether to allow posting to prior accounting periods. If you allow posting to prior periods, the system generates a warning message to prevent accidental postings to a prior period.

Allow Invalid Accounts

Specify whether to allow entry of invalid account numbers for the distribution of vouchers, invoices, and journal entries. If you select this check box, you can enter invalid account numbers if the number is preceded by the invalid account symbol, which is #.

If you allow entries with invalid account numbers, you must either change the number to a valid account number or set up a new account number before the batch posts.

The system verifies the account number against the Account Master table (F0901).

Use End of Period Reversal Date

Use this check box to specify whether to use the first day or the last day of the next fiscal period for the general ledger date for reversing journal entries. Select the check box to specify the end of the next period; otherwise, clear the check box to specify the first day of the next period.

After you post journal entries, the system creates and posts the reversing entries using the day specified in this constant.

Intercompany Settlements

Specify the method that the system uses to automatically create journal entries between companies within an organization (intercompany settlements). Values are:

1: Hub method. Create intercompany settlements using a hub company.

2: Detail method. Create intercompany settlements without a hub company.

This method is valid for multicurrency processing.

3: Configured hub method. Create intercompany settlements using a configured hub.

This method is valid for multicurrency processing.

N: Do not create intercompany settlements. The system does not post a batch if it contains intercompany settlements.

*: Do not create intercompany settlements. The system posts a batch even if it contains intercompany settlements.

Symbol to Identify Short Number

Enter a code, such as * or /, that precedes the short account number (the eight-digit code) during data entry.

If the short account number is the one that you typically use, leave this field blank. If it is seldom used, enter a symbol to identify it to the system.

Only one of the three fields used for account symbols can be blank. Use blank for the type of account number that you typically use. The other two fields must each be unique. Be sure that no symbol (period, comma, and so on) is used for another purpose in the system.

Symbol to Identify BU.Object.Sub (symbol to identify business unit.object.subsidiary)

Enter a code, such as * or / that precedes the business unit.object.sub (long) account number during data entry.

The business unit.object.sub account number is most commonly used. If it is the one that you typically use, leave this field blank. If it is seldom used, enter a symbol to identify it to the system.

Only one of the three fields used for account symbols can be blank. The other two must each be unique. Be sure that no symbol (period, comma, and so on) is used for another purpose in the system.

Symbol to Identify 3rd G/L Account # (symbol to identify 3rd general ledger account number)

Enter a code, such as * or / that precedes the third, or unstructured, account number during data entry.

If the third account number is the one that you typically use, leave this field blank. If it is seldom used, enter a symbol to identify it to the system.

Only one of the three fields used for account symbols can be blank. The other two must each be unique. Be sure that no symbol (period, comma, and so on) is used for another purpose in the system.

Account Separator Character

Enter a character that divides the business unit, object, and subsidiary elements or the flex account code elements of an account number on forms and reports. Enter any special character except #, which is the invalid account symbol or \, which is the work order prefix, as a separator character. Do not use alphabetic characters or numbers. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the default character, which is a period (.).