Understanding Account Balances Review

Use the Account Balance by Month program (P0902P1) to review account balances for a general ledger period including:

  • Monthly net changes (net postings) and cumulative monthly balances for each period of the fiscal year for a single account.

  • Prior year-end net posting amounts for profit-and-loss accounts.

  • Prior year-end balance forwards for balance-sheet accounts.

This online inquiry displays information from the F0902 table. Reviewing information on this inquiry form is especially helpful after you run the Annual Close program (R098201) because you can quickly review amounts for balance forward and prior-year ending net postings to verify that the closing was successful.

Use the Account Balance by Subledger program (P092131) to review account balance information by subledger and subledger type for a particular account. This program displays posted amounts and balances for the current period and year to date from the F0902 table. It does not have processing options.