Understanding Account Ledger Inquiry

Use the Account Ledger Inquiry program (P09200) to review detailed transactions for an account by date range, subledger, and ledger type. The system displays both posted and unposted transactions from the F0911 table and provides a ledger total (posted and unposted amounts) and an unposted total. The difference between these totals is the posted total.

The year-to-date period amount equals the posted ledger total if your date selection meets this criteria:

  • The From Date is the first day of the fiscal year.

  • The Thru Date is the last day of the month specified.

  • The From Date and the Thru Date are in the same fiscal year.

The year-to-date and cumulative-period amounts might not equal the posted ledger total if you cross over a fiscal year or if you display only part of the current fiscal year.

If you are reviewing an income statement account, the year-to-date and cumulative period amounts are equal. The cumulative period amount does not appear for an income statement account.

If you set the Second Ledger processing option accordingly, you can review amounts for two ledger types, such as actual and currency restatement ledgers, at the same time. A second ledger type is especially beneficial in multicurrency environments because you can see transactions for foreign and domestic currencies at the same time.

Use the Inquiry Only processing option when you need to only review a voucher or payment without reopening the batch.