Understanding Automatic Bank Statement Reports and Messages

Based on processing option settings, the Process Automatic Bank Statement program produces an Auto Bank Statement Processing report (R09616) that includes these reports:

  • Summary Report - a summary report that shows the number of reconciled and unreconciled transactions as well as summary information about any new batches created.

  • Reconciled Transactions report - a detailed report that shows the total amount of reconciled transactions as well as each reconciled transaction.

  • Unreconciled Transactions report - a detailed report that shows the total amount of unreconciled transactions as well as each unreconciled transaction.

The reason codes and corresponding text for unreconciled messages are set up in UDC table 09/UR.

This list shows examples of unreconciled messages that might appear on the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form or on the Unreconciled Transactions report that is generated by the Process Automatic Bank Statement program:



Amt Not Equal

(amount not equal)

This message appears if the program detects a difference between the bank statement and general ledger amounts and either of these applies:

  • A tolerance limit was not set up for the reconciliation rule.

  • The amount set up for the reconciliation rule is not within the tolerance limit set up.

No Matching Payment in G/L

(no matching payment in general ledger)

This message appears if there is no matching payment in the F0911 table. You must create a manual payment and post it to the general ledger.

No Matching Receipt in G/L

(no matching receipt in general ledger)

This message appears if there is no matching receipt in the F0911 table and the reconciliation rule is not set to create automatic batch receipts. Do one of these:

  • Create a manual receipt, post it to the general ledger, and run the Process Automatic Bank Statement Program again.

  • Revise the reconciliation rule to create auto batch receipts and run the Process Automatic Bank Statement program again.

Invalid G/L Offset Account

(invalid general ledger offset account)

This message appears if the offsetting account for a transaction is not valid.

Auto Batch Rec Not Created

(automatic batch receipt not created)

This message appears if the reconciliation rule for a CR transaction was not set to automatically create a batch receipt.