Understanding Batch Header Revisions

Typically, you revise a batchto repair damaged or incorrect batch header records. Revising a batch can include deleting a batch header record, allowing a batch to post out of balance, preventing a batch from appearing on an integrity report, or changing the batch or processing status. You use the Batch Header Revisions program (P0011) to revise, add, or delete batch header records. The system updates the F0011 table.

Important: If you revise batch header records with the Batch Header Revisions program, be aware that you might affect the audit trail. This program allows you to revise any field on a batch header record; however, it was not designed for general use and should not be used regularly to update batch statuses.

You can use the Create/Revise Batch Header form to change the status of a batch. Depending on the type of change that you make, you might also need to post the batch after you revise it. For example, if the General Ledger Post program (R09801) ends abnormally, the system might leave the batch header at a status of In Use. To correct this problem, you must change the batch status to Pending so that you can access the batch detail or to Approved so that you can post the batch.

The Create/Revise Batch Header form also displays the processing status for detailed currency restatement, 52 period accounting, and cash basis batches. If one of these types of batches was previously processed (status equals 1) and you add entries to the batch, the system resets the processing status to blank. Then, when you post the batch again, the Detailed Currency Restatement (R11C850), 52 Period Accounting Post (R098011), or Create Cash Basis Entries (R11411) program select only detail records for posting.

You can use the Batch Overrides form to revise a batch to post or not post out of balance and, if necessary, exclude that batch from an integrity report. For example, you might post a batch out of balance to correct an integrity report. These are other situations in which you to post a batch out of balance:

  • A power failure occurred during entry or posting.

  • A valid, one-sided journal entry was entered to correct a conversion error that was made during setup.

If the Transactions to Batch Headers integrity report indicates that one or more batches is missing a batch header, you must add a batch header record.

Typically, you should run the Batch to Detail integrity report to delete any empty batch headers. However, you can delete a batch header manually. Before you delete an empty batch header, ensure that no entries exist in the batch.