Understanding Budget Forecast Amount Generation

After you revise your accounts and basis amounts and are satisfied with the revisions, you run the Generate Forecast Results program (R1404). The system retrieves locked records in the F1403 and generates budget forecast amounts in these tables:

  • Forecast Results - Header (F1404)

  • Forecast Results - Detail (F14041)

You can generate budget forecast amounts up to fifteen years in the future. You specify the fiscal year to begin generating the amounts and the revision number in the processing options. You use data selection to specify the account ranges and business units in which to generate the budget forecast records.

The Generate Forecast Results program:

  • Uses the basis amounts that were retrieved and updated in the F1403 table.

  • Applies the growth pattern to the basis amounts for accounts with any posting edit code except N (non-posting).

    The growth pattern includes the default pattern associated with the business unit and revision number and any override growth patterns associated with individual accounts.

  • Generates forecast amounts only for accounts in the F1403 table that are locked.

    The Lock Account flag (LOCKFLG) in the F1403 table must equal 1. The data selection for the program is hard coded to select only locked records.

This program produces a report that shows the revision number, fiscal year, and number of years to forecast, as well as the number of records that were added and updated in the F1404 and F14041 tables. The report also includes the number of records that failed, if applicable, and sends error messages to the work center. The report does not identify any accounts that are unlocked. Unlocked accounts are not included in the forecast amounts.

After you run the Generate Forecast Results program, you can either:

  • Revise the accounts and basis amounts in the F1403 table, if necessary. You must unlock the records using the Revise Forecast Basis program, change the records, and lock the records again. Then, rerun the Generate Forecast Results program to override existing unlocked records in the F1404 and F14041 tables.

  • Review and revise the budget forecast amounts in the F1404 and F14041 tables using the Revise Forecast Results program.