Understanding Budget Worksheets

The Budget Worksheet (R14113) is a report that shows requested, approved, and final budgets. When you generate the Budget Worksheet, you can:

  • Specify the level of detail, fiscal years to compare, report format, and how the system performs the calculations and totals the amounts.

  • Print the report for selected companies, business units, and business unit category codes.

  • Consolidate information if you have a consistent account structure and level of detail across all companies and business units.

The Budget Worksheet program uses AAI items FSxx to determine where to print interim total. Some examples for FSxx include:

  • FS04: Gross margin

  • FS05: Operating income

  • FS99: Net income (loss)

Depending on how you set the processing options, the Budget Worksheet provides this type of information:

Type of Report



Compares amounts for any level of detail, such as:

  • Ledger type AA (actual amounts) for the prior year.

  • Actual and projected amounts for the current year.

  • Actual and budget year-to-date amounts for the current year and actual year-to-date amounts for prior years.


Calculates balances for the year end, such as:

  • Actual amounts plus the remaining budget.

  • Remaining budgets.

  • Actual amounts divided by the percentage complete (Job Cost).

Estimates the annual budget for the next year. For example, you can print the actual amounts from the previous year and the projected amounts for the current year, and leave the annual budget amount columns blank to make manual entries.


Shows percentages of difference or change between actual amounts and budget amounts. The calculation is based on projected budget amounts.