Understanding Burden Base Rules

You set up burden base rules in the Burden Base Rules program (P48S82) to associate burden computation methods for each burden category with specific job numbers, contract numbers, or job types. You can also define a default rule. You can further define burden base rules by ranges of object and subsidiary accounts.

During the burdening process, the system searches the Burden Base Rules table (F48S82) to determine whether a particular burden category (for example, fringe, overhead, and so on) applies to a given transaction. If the burden category applies, the system retrieves the burden computation method to be used in calculating the burden amount from the Burden Base Rules table. The system searches the table beginning with the most specific information found on the transaction and proceeding through less specific information until a matching record is found. If no matching record is found, the burden category is not applicable. The search hierarchy is job number, contract number, job type, and finally the default record. The rules are further defined by specific ranges of object and subsidiary accounts.