Understanding Cash Forecast Report Structures

After you set up cash type codes and their corresponding rules, you must define the reporting structure, or format, for your cash forecasts. You define a reporting structure by arranging cash type codes into reporting hierarchies within a parent/child tree structure.

The system uses reporting structures to format the Cash Forecast Analysis form and the Cash Forecast Report (R095221).

You can set a processing option in the Cash Forecast Report Structures Setup program (P09523) to automatically include these standard report headings from UDC table 09/CT in your report structure:

  • Cash Forecast (1_TOTCF)

  • Opening Balances (1_BAL)

  • Net Operating Forecast (1_NETOP)

  • Incoming Cash (1_IN)

  • Outgoing Cash (1_OUT)

By including these default headings, you provide a framework in which to add other user-defined heading and detail cash type codes when you define your parent/child tree structure.

Each row in the tree structure corresponds to a heading or detail cash type code in UDC table 09/CT, and each cash type code that is not a heading has a cash type rule associated with it. You can add and move cash type codes within the tree structure to define your reporting structure. You can define multiple reporting structures.

Detail cash type codes, which show detail row descriptions such as Checking Accounts, appear under the cash type code in the tree structure. When you expand the tree structure, account data that is selected for the detail cash type code appears under the detail row description. The amounts from detail rows roll up into heading rows. For example, amounts from the detail row Checking Accounts might roll up into the heading Opening Balances.

If you add or move a cash type code to a place within the parent/child tree structure that is not allowed, the system issues a detailed error message. If you revise a cash type rule associated with a detail cash type code, the system issues a warning that the revision affects all reporting structures that use the rule.