Understanding Monthly Spreadsheets

To examine trends in your company's financial activity, print the Monthly Spreadsheet (R10412A). You can analyze actual and budget amounts for period-to-date, as well as year-to-date. You can also show current period amounts with budget amounts for future periods.

The monthly spreadsheet rounds to the thousands. For example, if the amount is 2700, it rounds to 3000 and prints as 3. If you want a spreadsheet with different specifications, you can design your own by using the Report Design Aid tool.

The monthly spreadsheet uses information stored in the F0902 table.

Note: You must use version XJDE0006 or create a copy of the version if you want AAI subtotals to appear on your report. XJDE0006 contains additional event rules for AAI sub totaling; therefore, you cannot add a version and achieve the desired results.