Understanding Multisite Batch Journal Entry Processing and Purging

Before you process a batch, you can review and correct journal entries for multisite consolidations using the Journal Entry Review program (P0911Z1). You can review individual journal entries that have been created in the F0911Z1 table. You can also use the Journal Entry Review program to revise your journal entries. For example, you might need to make additions or corrections before you process them.

After you review and revise journal entries for multisite consolidations, run the Process Batch Journal Entry program (R09110Z) to process the journal entries from the F0911Z1 table and move them to the F0911 table.

After you run the Process Batch Journal Entry program, you must post the batch so that F0902 table reflects the amounts from the consolidation.

The system holds processed journal entries in the batch table until you globally purge them. You should purge batches after they have been successfully processed.