Understanding Temporary Invalid Account Numbers

Depending on your general accounting constants, you might be able to accept an invalid account number temporarily, which is useful in these situations:

  • You are not sure what the correct account number is.

  • You are not authorized to add new accounts.

Being able to enter an invalid account number allows you to enter a journal entry with a business unit.object account that does not yet exist in your chart of accounts. The system adds the account only if these conditions are met:

  • The business unit that you enter already exists in the Business Unit Master table (F0006).

  • The object account that you enter exists in a business unit previously designated as a model.

  • The business unit type of the business unit that you enter and that of the model must be the same.

The process of creating accounts by temporarily accepting invalid accounts allows you to create all or part of your chart of accounts for a business unit on an as needed basis. When you do this, your business units include only those accounts that you use. This provides an initial framework for a business unit's chart of account.

To temporarily accept invalid account numbers, you must select the Allow Invalid Accounts check box on the General Accounting Constants form. Then when you enter a journal entry, you specify the invalid account by preceding the account number with #. After entering the journal entry with the invalid account, the system sets the status of the batch to Error. You must review and approve the batch before posting.

When you post the journal entry batch, the system compares the invalid account with the model chart of accounts. If the account exists in the model, the system adds the account to the business unit that is used in the journal entry and removes the invalid account symbol from the account in the journal entry.

Note: You cannot enter a header account as an invalid account. Header accounts are typically used for summary purposes during financial reporting and do not allow amounts to be posted to them. To create a header account, use the Copy Accts to Business Units program (P09804) to copy the nonposting header accounts from the model business unit. You can also enter the account manually and assign it a posting code N on the Revise Single Account form.