Understanding the Delete Business Unit/Company Program

Your organization might have business units or companies that are obsolete because the structure of the organization has changed. Or you might have business units or companies from a test data environment that you no longer need. The Delete Business Unit/Company program (R09925) deletes records for the business unit or company that is obsolete. You can delete records for a single business unit or for all of the business units within a single company.

If you specify a company in the processing option, the system deletes records for all of the business units in the company. If you specify a business unit, the system deletes records for the business unit. If you specify both a business unit and a company, the system deletes records for the business unit only.

When you delete a business unit or company, the system does not copy information to a purge table nor does it search for open balances. It deletes records for the business unit or company regardless of whether open balances exist.

The Delete Business Unit/Company program deletes records from these tables:

  • F0006

  • F0901

  • F0901D

  • F0902

  • F0911

The system does not print a report.

After the process is complete, you must:

  • Delete the company on the Work With Companies form.

  • Delete the business unit or company on the Work With Addresses form.

    Important: If you are signed on to two environments, such as a test and an active environment, the system deletes the records from both environments.