Understanding the Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation Program

After you run the Process Automatic Bank Statement program, you can use the Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation program (P09631) to revise unreconciled as well as reconciled transactions. This program accesses the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form. On this form, you can reconcile bank statement detail information from the F09617 table. You can also view and reconcile the corresponding general ledger information from the F0911 table in the Account Ledger region of the form. The Account Ledger region displays posted transactions only.

If the Process Automatic Bank Statement program is unable to process a transaction, the transaction appears as unreconciled (the Recon Code field is blank) on the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form with the reason why it was not reconciled.

See Understanding the Automatic Bank Statement Program.

To correct unreconciled transactions, you can exit to various forms from the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form. From the various forms, you can:

  • Create manual receipts as well as manual payments with or without vouchers.

    When you create a manual receipt or payment, the Payment ID is stored in the F09617 table and the corresponding bank statement transaction is marked as reconciled. The system assigns the batch number of the bank statement to the manual payment and receipt batches. When you post the receipt or payment, the system updates the RCND (Reconciled) field and, if a processing option for the Process Automatic Bank Statement program is set, updates the GLR3 (Reference 3) field in the F0911 table with a next number.

  • Revise automatic receipts created by the Process Automatic Bank Statement program.

  • Create journal entries.

    When you create a journal entry, the system assigns a batch number from next numbers.

  • Post unposted transactions.

After you correct the unreconciled transaction, you can either manually reconcile the bank statement transaction on the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form or rerun the Process Automatic Bank Statements program to have the system automatically reconcile it. When a transaction is reconciled, the corresponding F0911 transaction appears as reconciled in the Account Ledger region of the form.

You can use the Reconcile Bank Statement Detail to Account Ledger form to reconcile unreconciled transactions, as well as unreconcile reconciled transactions, if necessary.

After all transactions for a bank statement are reconciled in the F09617 table, the system marks the corresponding staging records as reconciled in the F09611 staging detail table unless either of these conditions exist:

  • The records were purged from the F09610 and F09611 staging tables.

  • The records were in error and did not get loaded to the F09611 staging detail table.

After all transactions in the F09611 table are reconciled, the system updates the header record in the F09610 table as reconciled.