Understanding the Reburdening Process

Throughout the life of a contract, you might need to raise or lower your burdening rates, or move employees from one pool group to another, or make other changes to your original setup for burdening. You might also need to change the setup if you determine that your original setup was incorrect. After you make changes to the burdening setup, you must apply the changes to the existing burdening transactions in the F52G11 table so that you can invoice your customer and recognize revenue for the resulting difference in burdening amounts. The process of applying these changes to the existing transactions in the F52G11 table is called reburdening.

The reburdening process includes these steps:

  1. Setting up processing and selection criteria for the Create Re-burdening Transactions program (R52G31).

  2. Reviewing and approving groups of reburdening transactions.

  3. Updating the billing workfile with reburdening transactions.