Understanding the Summarize Transactions Program

Ensure that you run the Summarize Transactions program (R09811) before you purge the records:

  • For the current year.

    Summarized records are required to support the F0902 table. Unsummarized records for the current year are bypassed when the system purges prior-year journal entries. For prior-year records, summarization is optional.

  • For the prior year.

    Account balances can be set to zero by the Repost Account Ledger program (R099102) if any purged prior-year records are left unsummarized.

You can use the Summarize Transactions program (R09811) to summarize journal entries and replace numerous detailed records with a single record. Specifically, the Summarize Transactions program:

  • Creates a summarized record for each accounting period, ledger type, subledger, or subledger type that contains:

    • A document type of BF.

    • A document number that uses next numbers (system code 09, Balance Forward).

    • A general ledger date for the period-ending dates.

  • Marks the summarized detail records in the F0911 table with Y (summarized) or blank (not summarized).

Three AAI items control the account ranges that are summarized or bypassed:

  • GLRCxx: Defines a range of accounts that must be reconciled before they are summarized.

    The Reconciled field in the record must have a value from UDC table 09/RC to allow summarization.

  • GLSMxx: Defines the range of accounts not to be summarized.

  • GLPRxx: Defines a range of accounts that are not purged.

After the system creates summarized records, you can:

  • Restate prior fiscal years, if necessary.

  • Delete or purge records for that year from the F0911 table.

    Summarization adds records. You must purge and reorganize to make more disk space available.

You do not have to summarize transactions for summarized reporting. You can summarize general ledger reports by setting a processing option to include a specific object account range.

The Summarize Transactions program does not include data selection. To specify which transactions the system summarizes, use the processing options with AAI items GLSMxx, GLRCxx, and GLPRxx.