Understanding Voiding and Deleting Joint Venture Distribution Documents

You might have to void, delete, or reverse a document in certain cases, for example, when a partner disputes an invoice, when the original document should not have been distributed, when the amount is distributed to another partner and not to the one who is responsible for the amount, or when a cash call is no longer needed and therefore, the journal entry document that was created to draw on the cash call must be voided or reversed.

To void or delete joint venture distribution documents, such as invoices, vouchers, insider journal entries, or cash call journal entries, you use the Joint Venture Distribution Detail by Document program (P09J12D). The system voids posted documents and deletes unposted documents.

Note: You cannot make any changes (for example: edit, delete or void) to the transactions belonging to the joint venture document batch types (JG, JV, and JI) from outside the Joint Venture Management system.

Voiding a Distribution Document

When a distribution document is voided, the system updates information at the document level (in the General Ledger, Accounts Payable, and Accounts Receivable systems) as well as at the distribution detail level (in the Joint Venture Management system).

At the distribution detail level (F09J12 table), the system:

  • Marks the transactions in the document as voided

  • Creates a reversal entry for each transaction in the document

    Reversal entries cancel out the original transaction amounts.

  • Creates a redistribution entry so that the transaction can be redistributed and processed later in a new document

    When voiding a cash call journal entry, the transaction type for the redistribution entry will be set back to the value from the original transaction. For example, if the transaction type of the original transaction was an Invoice, the system will set the transaction type of the redistribution entry to Invoice.

    You can use the redistribution entry to revise the transaction distribution information, for example, you can distribute the amount to a different partner, update the transaction for distribution only, or mark the amount for invoicing (to bill the partner) or vouchering (to pay the partner) even if the amount is distributed to the insider business unit.

    After revising the information as needed, you can include the redistribution transaction in a new journal entry, invoice, or voucher to bill or pay the partner. Alternatively, you can draw from cash calls by applying the redistributed expenses to a cash call and creating the corresponding journal entry. Redistribution details reserved by an exclusive cash call will follow the exclusive cash call process.

    See Drawing on Cash Calls for Joint Venture Expenses (Release 9.2 Update).

In the joint venture distribution document created in the General Ledger, Accounts Payable, and Accounts Receivable systems, the system:

  • Creates a set of journal entries to cancel out the original transaction

    For invoices and vouchers, the system voids the invoice and voucher pay items and reverses the invoice and voucher cutback entries to cancel out the original transaction.

  • Reopens the batch to the Approved status because new journal entries are added to the document in the batch, and therefore the batch must be posted again.

  • Reverses the amount that has been drawn from a cash call and increases the cash call open amount with the amount voided.

Note: Run the Void JVM Distribution Detail program (R09J414) to void a large volume of distribution documents. See (Release 9.2 Update) Voiding Joint Venture Distribution Documents Using a Batch Process (R09J414).

Deleting a Distribution Document

When the system deletes an unposted distribution document, it does not leave an audit trail. The distribution document is cleared from the joint venture distribution detail transactions and is deleted from outside of the Joint Venture Management system. For distributed transactions that were assigned to cash calls, the system also clears the cash call ID, but retains the exclusive cash call ID, if an exclusive cash call was assigned. The distribution transactions that were included in the distribution document for invoice, voucher, or journal entry (to bill or pay the partners) are set to a transaction status of Available to Process. For distribution transactions assigned to cash calls, the system sets the transaction status to the value that you have set in the program or in the processing option. The system reverses the amount that has been drawn and increases the cash call open amount with the amount deleted.

You can include the transactions in new journal entries, invoices, or vouchers.

Reversing Transactions in a Distribution Document

Apart from voiding or deleting distribution documents, you can also reverse single transactions using the Revise Joint Venture Distribution Detail by Distribution Document form by selection a distribution document.

You can also use the following programs to reverse joint venture transactions:

  • Work with JV Account Ledger (P09J12)

  • JV Distribution Detail by Partner (P09J12C)

You can reverse a single transaction, selected transactions, or all transactions in a distribution document at the transaction level without affecting the document outside of the Joint Venture Management system that is associated with the transactions. The system voids the original transaction, reverses the transaction amount in the F09J12 table, and creates a new redistribution record.

You can use the redistribution entry to revise the transaction distribution information, for example, you can distribute the amount to a different partner, update the transaction for distribution only, or mark the amount for invoicing (to bill the partner) or vouchering (to pay the partner) even if the amount is distributed to the insider business unit.

After revising the information as needed, you can include the redistribution transaction in a new journal entry, invoice, or voucher to bill or pay the partner. Alternatively, you can draw from cash calls by applying the redistributed expenses to a cash call and creating the corresponding journal entry. Redistribution details reserved by an exclusive cash call will follow the exclusive cash call process.

See Drawing on Cash Calls for Joint Venture Expenses (Release 9.2 Update).

Note: Redistribution transactions are not available in the P09J12D program. You can use the JV Distribution Detail by Partner program (P09J12C) to review and update redistribution transactions.

You can reverse distribution transactions (F09J12 records) with the transaction status of Process Complete, regardless of whether the distribution document they belong to is posted or not posted.

Note: You cannot void a document that has already been voided or has distribution transactions that have been reversed. Similarly, you cannot reverse transactions that have already been reversed.

You can use the media object attachment feature in the program to save and attach documents or files that are relevant to the joint venture.