
4. Specify Pre-loaded Values Currency Code

Specify the payment currency that was originally assigned to the payment control group by Create Payment Control Groups program. If you specify a value for this field, you limit the initial inquiry to the payment control groups with this currency code. You can change the selection criteria on the Additional Selection Criteria form. You can enter a specific payment currency code (CRCD), or leave this processing option blank to search on all payment currencies (default).

Display Alternate Currency Amounts

Specify whether you want the system to display the payment control group amounts in the alternate currency. This conversion is for display purposes only, affecting the amounts on the Work With Payment Groups form. For writing foreign payments, complete the processing options on the Currency tab. Values are:

Blank: Do not display payment control group amounts in the alternate currency.

1: Display payment control group amounts in the alternate currency.

Alternate Currency Effective Date

Specify the effective date for the alternate currency's exchange rate. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses today's date (the system date.)