Example: Multisite Consolidations with Multiple Currencies

In this example, the target site is a USD company and two of the three source sites have different currencies. The source sites are company 10 (CAD), company 20 (JPY), and company 30 (USD). CAD is the Canadian dollar, JPY is the Japanese yen, and USD is the U.S. dollar.

The balance amounts from company 10 and 20 are restated into the currency of the target company (USD). The balances from company 30 do not have to be restated because they are already in the currency of the target company. The restated balances at the source sites are then consolidated and sent to the target site. At the target site, journal entries for the consolidated balances are created, processed, and posted to the F0911 and F0902 tables for multisite consolidation reporting.

See Also