Forms Used to Work with Detailed Currency Restatement

Form Name

Form ID



Work With Journal Entries


Journal Entry, Reports, & Inquiries (G0911), Journal Entry

Review a batch of journal entries.

Journal Entry


On the Work With Journal Entries form, select a journal entry.

Review and revise the journal entries for a batch.

Detail Restatement Exch. Rate


On the Journal Entry form, select Historical Rate from the Form menu.

Override the exchange rate for a detailed currency restatement entry.

If a journal entry has been posted, the fields on the Detail Restatement Exch. Rate form are disabled and you cannot change them.

Batch Approval


Financial Restatement (G1122), Detailed Currency Review

On the Work With Batches form, select the batch to approve and then select Batch Approval from the Row menu. On the Batch Approval form, select the option for Approved – Batch is ready to post.

Approve a batch of detailed currency restatement entries.