Journal Entries

1. Gains/Losses

Specify whether the system creates journal entries for accounts with calculated gains or losses from monetary account valuation. AAI item GVxxx determines the accounts in which the system creates journal entries for calculated gains and AAI item GWxxx determines the accounts in which the system creates journal entries for calculated losses. Values are:

Blank: Do not create journal entries

1: Create journal entries for accounts with both calculated gains and calculated losses

2: Create journal entries only for accounts with calculated losses.

3: Create journal entries only for accounts with calculated gains.

2. Reversing Entries

Specify whether the system creates reversing journal entries for accounts with calculated gains or losses. Values are:

Blank: Create reversing journal entries.

1: Do not create reversing journal entries.

3. G/L Date (general ledger date)

Specify the date to use for the journal entries that the system creates during monetary account valuation.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the last day of the period that you entered for the Period Number processing option. If that processing option is blank, the system uses the last day of the current period as defined in the F0010 table for the company of each account that is processed.

If you leave the Gains/Losses processing option blank, the system does not create journal entries even if you enter a date for this processing option.

4. Approve Batches

Specify whether to create the batches of journal entries with a status of approved, regardless of the management approval setting on the General Accounting Constants form. Values are:

Blank: Use the management approval constant on the General Accounting Constants form to determine whether management approval is required.

1: Create journal entry batches in approved status

If you set the Gains/Losses processing option to create journal entries, you can use this processing option to automatically approve the journal entry batches. Otherwise the system ignores this processing option.