Rate Types

The system uses rate types to determine which exchange rate to use when it calculates new balances. For each range of accounts, you can enter a user-defined rate type. This table provides description of rate types:

Rate Type


A (period average)

An average rate for the month. This is generally used with income statement accounts.

M (month-end)

A period-end rate. This is generally used with balance sheet accounts.

H (historical)

A historical rate. This might be used for fixed asset accounts. This rate can also be used to retain calculations when converting from another system to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system.

User-defined rate types

A user-defined rate. For example, use B for a budget rate (different from an accounting rate) to create what-if budget amounts and comparisons.

You enter rate types in UDC table 11/RT. You can enter as many rate types as needed.

Note: Typically, you use these combinations for rate types and calculation methods: