Slight Rounding Differences Recorded by the Receipt Post

When you post foreign or alternate currency receipts, the system might create automatic entries for slight rounding differences. These slight rounding differences are created when a foreign or alternate currency receipt is applied to an invoice and the domestic amount of the invoice is different from the domestic amount of the receipt. The rounding difference, which is immaterial, is recorded in a rounding account as directed by AAI item R8.

Typically, rounding differences occur on transactions that involve multiple invoices and one receipt, or multiple receipts and one invoice. For these transactions, a rounding difference might occur when the system converts amounts between a foreign and a domestic currency, or an alternate and domestic currency.

To record the rounding differences, the system creates an automatic entry in the rounding account when you post the receipt. The rounding difference is associated with the receipt, not the invoice. If you adjust a receipt and the adjustment affects an existing rounding amount, the system creates a new rounding record. It does not change the original record.