
1. Establishment

You use this processing option to specify whether the system uses a default value for the establishment when you add an incident. The system uses this processing option for both the Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the Report an Incident program (P54HS30). Enter a valid address book number for an establishment.

2. Default Establishment Based on Logged in User

Use this processing option to set the default value for the current establishment that is associated with the logged-in user from the Employee Supplemental Data. This processing option takes precedence over processing option 1 (Establishment). If no establishment is set up for the logged-in user, the system uses the default value provided in processing option 1. Values are:

Blank: Do not set the default establishment based on the logged-in user.

1: Set the default establishment based on the logged-in user's Employee Supplemental Data setup.

3. Incident Record Type

Use this processing option to specify whether the system uses a default value for the incident record type when you add a new incident. Enter a value from the 54HS/RT UDC table for the incident record type. You use this processing option for both the Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the Speed Incident Entry program (P54HS30).

4. Default Job Title when Job Title is Blank in Employee Master (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this processing option to indicate how the system uses the values in the employee master when the job title is blank in employee master. Values are:

Blank: Do not default Job Title.

1: Default Job Title to Job Type/Job Step description.

2: Default Job Title to Position ID description.

5. Default Company (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this processing option to define the default company the system uses for new incidents. If no company is set up for a particular establishment using the P086411 program, the system uses the company associated with the logged-in user. Values are:

Blank: The default company is based on the logged-in user.

1: The default company is based on the establishment's associated company.