
1. Establishment (Required)

You use this processing option to specify the establishment for inquiry in the Incident Case Inquiry program (P54HS210). You must set this processing option to enter a value in the Establishment field in the Incident Case Inquiry program. The Establishment field is disabled in the Incident Case Inquiry program.

2. Default Establishment Based on Logged In User (Release 9.2 Update)

You use this processing option to indicate whether the system will default to the establishment by looking up the current establishment associated with the logged-in user from the Employee Supplemental Data. This processing option takes precedence over processing option 1 (Establishment). If no establishment is set up for the logged-in user, then the system uses the default value provided in processing option 1 (Establishment). Values are:

Blank: Do not set the default establishment based on the logged-in user.

1: Set the default establishment based on the logged-in user's Employee Supplemental Data setup.

3. Lock Establishment Filter Field (Release 9.2 Update)

You use this processing option to lock the Establishment field and prevent it from being edited. Values are:

Blank: Do not lock the Establishment field.

1: Lock the Establishment field.

4. Century/Year

You use this processing option to enter the century and year information that is used in the Incident Case Inquiry program (P54HS210). If you leave this option blank, the system populates the current system century and the year to the field in the header.