Display (Release 9.2 Update)

1. Display or Hide the Additional Information Section Containing the Incident Category Codes

Use this processing option to specify whether to display the Additional Information section that contains the incident category codes. Values are:

Blank: Hide the Additional Information section containing the incident category codes.

1: Display the Additional Information section containing the incident category codes.

2. Expand or Collapse the What Section When Entering Values for the Report an Incident Application

Use this processing option to specify whether to expand or collapse the What section when values are entered for the Report an Incident application. Values are:

Blank: Collapse the What section.

1: Expand the What section.

3. Expand or Collapse the When Section When Entering Values for the Report an Incident Application

Use this processing option to specify whether to expand or collapse the When section when values are entered for the Report an Incident application. Values are:

Blank: Collapse the When section.

1: Expand the When section.

4. Expand or Collapse the Who Section When Entering Values for the Report an Incident Application

Use this processing option to specify whether to expand or collapse the Who section when values are entered for the Report an Incident application. Values are:

Blank: Collapse the Who section.

1: Expand the Who section.

5. Expand or Collapse the Where Section When Entering Values for the Report an Incident Application

Use this processing option to specify whether to expand or collapse the Where section when values are entered for the Report an Incident application. Values are:

Blank: Collapse the Where section.

1: Expand the Where section.

6. Expand or Collapse the Additional Information Section When Entering Values for the Report an Incident Application

Use this processing option to specify whether to expand or collapse the Additional Information section when values are entered for the Report an Incident application. Values are:

Blank: Collapse the Additional Information section.

1: Expand the Additional Information section.