Running the OSHA 300A Summary Report

Select Periodic Processing (G54HS20), OSHA 300A Summary Report.

Before you run the OSHA 300A Summary Report, you need to enter an establishment condition record for each establishment for each calendar year that you report. The report cannot retrieve data without the establishment condition record. You can access Establishment Conditions program (P086011) from the Health & Safety Incident Setup menu (G54HS41). Enter an establishment condition record even if nothing unusual happened during the calendar year. The report will not process unless you enter an establishment condition for the establishment and the calendar year being reported on.

(Release 9.2 update) You can associate a company with the establishment in the P086011 program. This association of company and establishment can be leveraged in the Incident Master program (P54HS00) to default in the company based on the establishment using this relationship. Use the P086011 program to record a change reason if you are re-submitting the electronic version of the 300A to OSHA. The program will use the most recent change reason recorded.

Use the Establishment Condition program (P086011) to enter the following additional information about an establishment:

  • Maximum Size

    Enter a code that represents the maximum number of employees that have worked at an establishment at any point in the reporting year.

  • Form Exit Establishment Information

    Use this form exit to associate a company with an establishment and to define the establishment type. This information is used when submitting an electronic file to OSHA for the 300A report.

  • Row Exit Change Reason

    Use this row exit to record a reason why you are re-submitting an electronic file to OSHA. If there is more than one change reason given for the same establishment/year/report type combination, the re-submitted electronic file will use the one with the highest sequence number.