Setting Up Category Codes

Category codes are a type of UDC that you customize to better suit the unique requirements of your business.

Category Code


Incident Category Codes

You can use up to 20 category codes in the UDC table (54HS/C1 through C0 and 54HS/11 through 20). Use these category codes to organize additional incident information.

People Category Codes

You can use up to 10 category codes in the UDC table (54HS/P1 through P0). Use these category codes to organize additional information for people related to an incident.

Equipment Category Codes

You can use up to ten category codes in the UDC table (54HS/E1 through E0). Use these category codes to organize additional information for equipment that is related to an incident. Equipment category codes 6 through 10 are ten digits in length and display both description 1 and description 2 when you search for equipment that is related to an incident.

Environment Category Codes

You can use up to five category codes in the UDC table (54HS/V1 through V5). Use these category codes to organize additional information for environmental impact and events related to an incident.

Task Category Codes

You can use up to 10 category codes in the UDC table (54HS/T1 through T0). Use these category codes to organize additional information for tasks related to an incident. Task category codes 6 through 10 are ten digits in length, and display both description 1 and description 2 when you search for tasks related to an incidents.

Cost Category Codes

You can use up to five category codes in the UDC table (54HS/S1 through S5). Use these category codes to organize additional information for costs related to an incident.

Injury/Illness Category Codes

You can use up to five category codes in the UDC table (54HS/I1 through I5). Use these category codes to organize information for additional injuries or illnesses for a person related to an incident.