Setting Up Email Distribution Groups

When you record an incident, the system automatically notifies interested parties. In addition to the originator of the incident, the system uses the default information specified in the processing options of the Incident Master program (P54HS00), an individual email address, as well as an email group address. You can add additional email addresses to the incident so that all interested parties are notified. You can use the information in the Address Book - Who's Who table (F0111) to record the individual email addresses. Use the Email/Internet program (P0111) to set Electronic Address Type equal to Email and Message Indicator equal to 1 - primary for the email address that you want to use for notifications. To add employees to email groups, you need to set up email groups in advance as address book records. You must set up email addresses in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system. If the email address is not set up for the address book record, the system sends a message to the work center for notifications. You create a search type such as DL for your distribution lists.

You can set up email distribution groups using the Distribution Group Revisions program (P02150), which is available on the Health and Safety Setup menu. You need to first create an address book record for the distribution group before adding employees to the group using this application. You need to create a structure type in the UDC table 01/TS to identify the distribution groups. You can use the value of EML for the distribution list structure type. After you create the distribution group, you can then add members to the group.