Setting Up Incident User Defined Data Templates

  1. From the Health and Safety Incident Setup menu (G54HS41), select Incident User Defined Data Templates.

  2. On the Work With Incident User Defined Data Templates form, click Add.

    On the Incident User Defined Data Template Revisions form, you will create a record for each user defined field in a data group. These fields will be accessible and editable from the Incident Master. To begin, enter a unique combination of values in these required fields:

    • Incident Record Type

      Note: Note that if the incident record type field is left blank when defining a data group, the data group will only be available to use with incidents where the record type is left undefined or blank.
    • Data Group

    • Field Number

      Note that the field number is used as the default display sequence on the Incident User Defined Data Revisions form, where users will add user defined data to an incident.

  3. If you are creating a field that is similar to an existing data dictionary item, complete the Data Dictionary Item field in the Copy Data Dictionary Details section of the form.

    When you exit out of this field, the system automatically populates the values in your record with values from the specified data dictionary item. You can override these values if necessary.

    Note: Note that the data dictionary field is not stored but is available on the form to help default in the desired field attributes when defining a field.
  4. Complete these fields, and then click OK:

    • Data Description

      The value you enter in this field appears as the field label on the Incident User Defined Data Revisions form.

    • Field Type

      The system populates and/or disables fields that must be set a certain way for the selected field type. For example, if you are setting up an alphanumeric field type, the system disables the Display Decimals field, as you cannot define display decimals for an alphanumeric field. Fields 21 through 25 must be alphanumeric.

    • Data Size

      Note that records associated with Field Number 01 through 20 have a maximum data size as follows: alphanumeric (50 characters), date (6 characters), time (8 characters), numeric (15 characters), UDC fields (1-10 characters depending on the UDC), and table validated (8 characters). Field Number 21 through 25 have a fixed data size of 200. If you attempt to enter a value larger than the maximum allowed data size, the system displays an error.

    • Display Decimals

      This field is used only for numeric field types.

    • Justify - Left or Right

      This field is only used for alphanumeric field types. Date fields are always left justified, numeric fields are always right justified, time fields are always left justified, UDC fields are always left justified, and table-validated fields are always right justified.

    • Product Code

      Complete this field if you want this user defined field to be associated with a UDC table.

    • User Defined Codes

      Complete this field if you want this user defined field to be associated with a UDC table.

    • Table Name

      Complete this field if you want the system to validate the data that will be entered in this incident user defined field against a specified table and data item. For example, if you want to add a field that enables users to enter an address book number, you can select the F0101. The system will validate that the value the user enters in this field is a valid value in the F0101. This field is only available for numeric field types.

      The following tables can be selected to validate against, and the data item that is validated is listed with each table:

      • Address Book Master (F0101), Address Book Number field (AN8)

      • Work Order Master (F4801), Work Order Number field (DOCO)

      • Incident Master (F54HS01), Incident Number field (HSINO)

      • Incident People Details* (F54HS02), Address Book Number field (AN8)

      • Incident Equipment Details* (F54HS03), Asset Number field (NUMB)

      • Incident Agency Details* (F54HS04), Agency Number field (HSIAN)

      • Incident Task Details* (F54HS06), Assigned To field (ANP)

      • Incident Environmental Details* (F54HS08), Item Number field (ITM)

      * When you use these tables, the system validates that data exists in the table for the selected incident.

    • Required Field

  5. Complete these steps for each user defined field that you want to be available from the Incident Master.