
These processing options specify the dates that the system uses when it processes enrollments with eligibility.

1. Effective Date

Specify the effective date. To use the system date as the effective date, leave this processing option blank. The effective date is used in conjunction with the plan's initial and continuing eligibility tests to determine the employee's enrollment status and date. When you enter an effective date on the Enrollment with Eligibility form, that date overrides the date that you enter in this processing option.

2. Eligible Date

Specify whether to automatically calculate and display eligibility dates for unelected plans and plan options. Values are:

0: Do not calculate for unelected plans.

1: Calculate eligibility dates for unelected plans and plan options.

Calculating eligibility for unelected plans and plan options significantly increases the time required to display the employee's plan information.

3. Qualifying Life Event Date

Specify a date when a qualifying life event, such as marriage, occurs.