Default Enrollment Parameters

If you use batch enrollment to enroll employees in benefit plans, set up default enrollment parameters. When you set up default parameters, you do not identify a plan ID. Therefore, the parameter can be used to determine eligibility for any plan. If eligibility testing is the same for all benefit plans, you can set up only default enrollment parameters.

The following table illustrates examples of default enrollment parameters and the actions that the system takes when the parameters are used. The system uses the most detailed enrollment parameter that corresponds to the employee enrollment record. For example, parameter 1 is the least detailed; therefore, the system uses it only if it does not find a more detailed parameter that specifies how to test the employee's eligibility. Parameter 5 is the most detailed. The system tests this parameter first and uses the information to determine employee eligibility for each employee benefit record that matches its criteria. If the system uses this parameter, it determines the eligibility status for the current benefit enrollment record and then moves to the next enrollment record. The parameter search begins again, starting with parameter 5, and continues through the list of parameters in order of decreasing detail until it finds a valid enrollment parameter. The system then uses that parameter to calculate the employee's new benefit status.